on mental health
Author’s note:
Hello everybody, this week we're bringing you conversations about mental health and associated contexts. Hope you enjoy reading!
~ we still don't know how to talk about mental health
I don’t like delving into the nuances of mental health here, not just because of its complexities, but because of the inherent vulnerability contained in every conversation about one's state of mind. It feels hypocritical to preach self-love when I am so flawed in it. An entire generation's collective mental health pandemic cannot be fixed with a mere policy, or free resources, or empty I am here for yous.
Truthfully, you are not here for me, and I am not here for you, and I am still learning to not take that personally.
What I am saying is this- mental health is complex, and no matter how much we talk about it, the conversation will remain incomplete for someone. You can't crowdsource any one solution and run with it- consistent therapy, flourishing friendships, a happy family, or a good bank account. That our heads will become a difficult place to navigate is inevitable. A thriving life (or what might look like one) rarely ever stopped floodgates of sadness.
Find the whole article here — unographymag.com/blog/2020/6/18/we-still-dont-know-how-to-talk-about-mental-health
~ being a lunatic
Since the early modern period, writers and artists have understood women's hysteria in connection with the moon. For instance, Robert Burton in the Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) suggests lunar cycles can cause depression and madness in women. In response, the following series of images attempt to reclaim a female perspective on conceptions of astronomy by placing the subjects in their own conceptions of planetary systems. The title 'Being a Lunatic' comes from the meaning of 'lunatic' which comes from the Latin,
the moon
The word lunatic, often a derogatory word to talk about someone who is “crazy” comes from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity. We have reclaimed this word to show how the moon is a
powerful and positively influencing the lives of modern-day women. Our designer, Bethan Longbottom, created dynamic and thought-provoking clothing inspired by the moon and space.we wanted to create images which expressed fluidity and intimacy, so we used graphic design to create that narrative. It was also very important for us to have an all-female crew that collaborated on this project, each of them responding to the work in their own way. The final images show the unique standpoints of these women as well as their personal perspectives and relationships with the moon.
Find the whole article here — unographymag.com/blog/2020/6/20/being-a-lunatic
We're also looking for submissions now of illustrations and paintings and digital art. Feel free to send us your work either here or on Instagram!